Relax sensitive

Signs you can be a sensitive personality type (HSP) : If you have a difficult time dealing with negative emotions compared to others or catch yourself ruminating or fabricating anxious thoughts, the s-word might suit you. Additionally, a feeling of unsettlement when you witness any violence or cruelty can also mean that you are sensitive. Well, this is a general sign not necessarily indicating anything, but if you get agitated or triggered by the silliest horror scene, you are probably sensitive.

Are you a highly sensitive person? Do you know someone in your personal or professional life who may be highly sensitive? High sensitivity can be defined as acute physical, mental, and emotional responses to external (social, environmental) or internal (intra-personal) stimuli. A highly sensitive person may be an introvert, an extrovert, or somewhere in between.

Highly sensitive people tend to be hard on themselves and others. Changing the way you think about a situation can change the way you feel. For example, if your thoughts are focused on how unfair your boss is or how mean your sister is, you’re likely going to continue to feel bad. However, replacing those thoughts with healthier, more balanced thoughts, can help you feel better. Try reminding yourself that everyone makes mistakes and accept the fact that others will hurt your feelings at times.

Sensitivity isn’t just getting offended by a funny comment. It also includes sensitivity to other non-mental triggers. Some of the mentioned signs might seem a bit ridiculous. However, all of these signs are chosen based on research and experiments. So, brace yourselves! Extra details on Signs You Might be Sensitive.

The first step towards being less sensitive is to acknowledge your feelings. Introspect and try to figure out how exactly you’re feeling. Being able to put a label on your feelings reduces denial. Once you have acknowledged your feelings, try and understand why you feel that way. For example, you might be feeling depressed. Look back on events and find the source that has triggered that. Perhaps something at work, something a loved one said or maybe something as subtle as the weather. Unfulfilled expectations can lead to a feeling of frustration. Knowing the stressors can help you manage chaos better.

Category One: Sensitivity About Oneself. Often has bad days that affect eating and/or sleeping habits in an unhealthy way, such as eating or sleeping too much or too little. Often experiences tension or anxiety.

Category Two: Sensitivity About Others. Has a hard time accepting critical feedback, even when it’s given reasonably and constructively.

Extremely sensitive people can have traits of insecurity in certain matters. Without presenting it they are very strong in situations; where a normal person may breakdown. While conversing with exceptionally sensitive person you may not be aware you are. Once you are aware, one needs to be a little more cautious and careful to not overwelm their senses. The facial expressions and body language of a sensitive person can be easily recognized by an expert. More info about Extremely sensitive person.

For many highly sensitive people, the key to managing oversensitivity is to utilize emotional immunity and sensory immunity strategies, to calm and alleviate overstimulation. For those who live or work with highly sensitive individuals, effective communication skills are a must to foster positive and constructive relationships.

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