Major sources for skin problems

Acne issues are becoming more usual this days, affecting a large percentage of adults. There are a lot of things that generate skin problems, we will talk about them and also talk about about some cures to this issues. The major cause for skin problems is the poor diet. People eat to much garbage this days. But not only! Let’s see what are some major causes for skin issues.

Acne is a chronic, inflammatory skin condition that causes spots and pimples, especially on the face, shoulders, back, neck, chest, and upper arms.

Eating greasy food has little to no effect on acne. Though working in a greasy area, such as a kitchen with fry vats, does because the oil can stick to the skin and block the hair follicles. This further irritates the skin or promotes acne.

Another source of hormonal changes: stress. Whether you work full time, are a full-time mom, or juggle both, chances are, your stress levels are high. “When you’re stressed, you have an organ called the adrenal gland that makes the stress hormone cortisol, and puts it out into the body to help the body deal with stress,” Dr. Schultz explains. Unfortunately, a tiny bit of testosterone leaks out with it. For a woman, this male hormone can drive the oil glands to produce more oil—the root cause of breakouts. (Thanks a lot, hormones!)

Treatments: There is some evidence that polyphenols from tea, including green tea, applied in a topical preparation, may be beneficial in reducing sebum production and treating acne. However, the compounds in this case were extracted from tea, rather than using tea directly.

Your boyfriend’s beard is messing with your face. Sure, some dudes look hot with a beard (I see you, Ryan Gosling), or even a five o’clock shadow, but your BF’s facial hair isn’t doing your pretty face any favors when it comes to breakouts. Long story short: As you and your guy hook up, your smooth face creates friction against his prickly one, which stimulates your skin’s oil production. And an increase in oil = an increase in blemishes. What you can do differently: Kindly ask him to shave his beard in the name of flawless skin. Or you know, be more careful when you’re making out.

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