Morning routines that increase your productivity

Self confidence is extremely important in this 2019 world full of speed and stress. Let’s be honest, there are a ton of tasks that we all need to take care of during our day. Maybe you’re just getting started with your store, so you’ll need to take care of your design, find products to sell, and then come up with marketing campaigns so you can promote your business. And it doesn’t end once you’ve setup your store either. Maybe you’ll need to take care of some customer service issues, manage your social media accounts, or test out some new marketing channels. Like we said – tons of tasks. And if you wake up in the morning facing a huge list of stuff which you need to deal with, how do you know where to start? It’s just like the saying goes: “by failing to prepare, you’re preparing to fail.” Incorporate a slot into your morning routine just to plan out your daily tasks.

Sometimes the best way to have a productive morning is to get a head start on it the night before. Many productivity experts and successful people spend their evenings preparing for the next day because it makes their mornings free to get an early start on important work. American Express CEO Kenneth Chenault ends his evenings by writing down three things he wants to accomplish the next day. Planning the evening before is effective because we have a limited amount of willpower and decision-making ability every day. The thought of making too many decisions in the morning will slow you down and drain your brain for the rest of the day. If you can eliminate decision-making from your mornings, you’ll have more energy and time to have the most productive morning you can!

It`s important to give your mind and body a chance to get into a routine. Set a time that you want to wake up at (challenge yourself!) and stick to that. This will ensure your mind and body get into optimum mode sooner over a long period of time. There are much more benefits of waking up early, such as better concentration, increased problem-solving abilities or becoming more positive. Read more info at

Forget about “flattering”. If something is your style, I believe you should wear it – regardless of whether it supposedly “flatters” your body shape, makes you look two pounds thinner or draws attention to “flaws”. Because it’s not your job to look as close as possible to what’s currently considered ideal. Read this post if you want to know more about why I’m not a fan of the idea of “dressing for your body type”. Don’t emulate others – develop your own look.Obviously it’s fine to get inspired by others, I’m all for that. But I believe that as women we are already way too often encouraged to emulate other “prettier, more successful” women rather than think for ourselves and make our own decisions about what to wear and what to look like. When you are trying to emulate someone else you are also falling into the comparison trap. Comparing yourself is never a good idea if you care about your self-esteem, but when your point of comparison is a celebritiy who had a whole team of professionals working on her look, you can only lose.

Finally, in order to truly implement mindfulness in your interior, make sure you designate an area of your home for meditation. Find a nook that’s not particularly busy with traffic – the more peaceful the better – and turn it into your own Zen area. Here, aside from making sure that you have plenty of fresh air and natural light, you can use other decor elements, such as a comfortable yoga mat or even a soft area rug, colorful throw pillows and soothing scented candles to create a special place designed to help you relax at the end of a busy day.

Commit to implementing your self-care routine while allowing yourself to play around with how you implement it. There are some days that will be easier to practice self-care and others that it might seem impossible. Things will get in the way and that’s an inevitable part of life. When this happens, it’s important to let go of the reigns a bit. Don’t be too hard on yourself and remember that every day is a fresh start to get back to it. Your self-care routine won’t be perfect. See more info on Self-Care routines.

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