Cryptocurrency locker

Cryptocurrency is becoming very popular, with practically crypto applications for every industry. Do you want to protect your content, files, apps online ? Do you want to earn cryptocurrency for downloads? We will talk about Bitcoin Locker for content and what are the best options for a crypto locker.

Let’s start with the basics : Bitcoin’s most important characteristic is that it is decentralized. No single institution controls the bitcoin network. It is maintained by a group of volunteer coders, and run by an open network of dedicated computers spread around the world. This attracts individuals and groups that are uncomfortable with the control that banks or government institutions have over their money. Bitcoin solves the “double spending problem” of electronic currencies (in which digital assets can easily be copied and re-used) through an ingenious combination of cryptography and economic incentives. In electronic fiat currencies, this function is fulfilled by banks, which gives them control over the traditional system. With bitcoin, the integrity of the transactions is maintained by a distributed and open network, owned by no-one.

Bitcoin Transactional properties: Irreversible: After confirmation, a transaction can‘t be reversed. By nobody. And nobody means nobody. Not you, not your bank, not the president of the United States, not Satoshi, not your miner. Nobody. If you send money, you send it. Period. No one can help you, if you sent your funds to a scammer or if a hacker stole them from your computer. There is no safety net.

Blockchain tech and applications : A user (client) with permissions associated with its account is able to change Wikipedia entries stored on a centralized server. Whenever a user accesses the Wikipedia page, they will get the updated version of the ‘master copy’ of the Wikipedia entry. Control of the database remains with Wikipedia administrators allowing for access and permissions to be maintained by a central authority. Wikipedia’s digital backbone is similar to the highly protected and centralized databases that governments or banks or insurance companies keep today. Control of centralized databases rests with their owners, including the management of updates, access and protecting against cyber-threats.

We recommend : MinerLock , a revolutionary cryptocurrency locker!

Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Monero, Dash, and DodgeCoin are currently available for payment options for your visitors. Have a digital product you want to sell? Use our Bitcoin Payment Gateway and earn the maximum amount of money from your buyers by monetizing your content via cryptocurrency. Read more details at

How it works for the seller : Seller uploads his digital product, download, or content to MinerLock and selects the price and cryptocurrency payment options. Seller promotes/shares his protected link to potential buyers, clients, and downloaders. How it works for the buyer/downloader: The sellers account will automatically be credited the full amount of cryptocurrency (minus tx fees) once transaction has been confirmed on the blockchain. The reason for using a unique wallet address for each user is identify the payment transaction and be able to successfully unlock the file for the buyer. We also use a unique wallet address each time for privacy reasons so no one is able to identify the amount of transactions that have gone to a specified file or link. Each wallet address is unique for your buyer only and automatically changes for each visitor. This helps prevent abuse on the MinerLock Network and provide the stability necessary for your protected content. No one is able to track any activity for your download(s) and protected content using MinerLock.

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