Full stack web development company and technology leaders

How to become a full stack developer? As one of the hottest topics for developers, the discussions have never stopped. On LinkedIn and Facebook, lots of people put their job title as a full stack developer. Besides, it seems that the Full Stack topic has already become a new job trend. An article on Medium has discussed the full stack designer getting both praise and blame. Some people think that the full stack is just a title, what he/she should focus on is the real personal ability and technology.

Essentially, I think the discussion about the full stack is also a kind of argument relating to the all-rounder and expert in the IT industry, and debate on the depth and breadth of development skills.

You cant have your cake and eat it too. While the full stack developers and full stack designers seem like they are challenging this possibility. Because their horizontal skills tree gives them the ability to both have and eat the cake. There is another saying is that jack of all trades, but master of none. So its necessary to think about how to become a real full stack developer but not an empty title.

So by definition a developer who works on front-end is a front-end developer and a developer who works on back-end is a back-end developer.

Front-end developers are responsible for a websites user-interface and the user-experience architecture. They work closely with designers to construct and improve the ui/ ux of a website. A good front-end developer can be able to accurately identify specific issues in user-experience and provide recommendations and coding solutions to improve the design.

Almost every single program, whether online or in-person, that is teaching you how to be a web developer will start with HTML and CSS because they are the building blocks of the web. Simply put, HTML allows you to add content to a website and CSS is what allows you to style your content. The following topics related to HTML/CSS come up often in interviews and on the actual job when youre working:

Semantic HTML.
Be able to explain the CSS Box Model.
Benefits of CSS preprocessors (you dont necessarily need to understand how to use one on a deep level, but you should to understand what they are for and how they help with development).
CSS Media Queries to target different devices and write responsive CSS.
Bootstrap (a framework for helping design and layout content on a page and while many online programs or schools focus heavily on teaching Bootstrap, in reality its more important to have a deep knowledge of fundamental CSS than specific Bootstrap features and methods).

full stack web development – LeewayHertz has given 360-degree solutions to the enterprise and fortune 500 companies with their full stack development. Their full stack developers are technology researchers and leaders. LeewayHertz holds the capability to drive the thinking digitally along with the Full Stack Web implementation.

Our Full stack web developers have the in-depth understanding of protocols like REST and SOAP. Security, Scalability, Reliability are some of the key attributes considered while development. Some core Use Cases includes iOT devices, B2B Integrations, SaaS platforms.

During out DevOps Agile Cycle, the Testing Team picks up the Jira Issues to conduct the scrum daily. After the resolution of issues, the Code Repo triggers the commit code into the Jenkins in three states, i.e., Jenkins QA, Jenkins UAT, Jenkins Prod. Once the code is committed, Hockeyapp and the AWS continuously delivers the build for testing through the provisionary tools.

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